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11 thoughts on “Comment Page

  1. Don McFaul

    Being that my family has been at Lake Louisa since the early 1800 and involved with many aspects of local establishments, I am thrilled to see someone bring out some factual information. It is nice to see the truth coming out. As an Agronomist, I have a pretty good understanding of environmental issues and applaud your research.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Peter Turnbull

    As a frustrated property owner, I have considered selling all my property in Wentworth and seeking a calmer political environment to enjoy my limited vacation time. I own an island on Lake Louisa that I purchased in 2005 and the property was effectively abandoned at that time and had not been accessed in over a decade. The island consists of 3 properties (the island is split in half and a lot on shore for water access and parking). I also share a home with my wife on the mainland of the lake. We are not residents, and we have only used the island as an extended yard for our home on shore. The island has no toilets, no plumbing and effectively no comforts. You couldn’t spend the night. I was forced last year to empty out the septic systems at an exaggerated cost (6 times of what it costs for me on shore, where I actually use it) in order to comply with Quebec regulations that don’t account for the fact that it isn’t in use. I had requested additional time to review the request and develop a plan to DIY (do it myself) but was forced to comply in October 2012 (late fall when nobody is around) and not under my supervision. A group of people under the supervision of M. Eric Boucher, did what I can guess was suck a fraction of the tank volume of rain water out of a steel drum in 2 locations. They also apparently removed some mud, after it rained, from a cesspool. In my estimation, these systems had been dormant for at least 15 years. The best part is that they are not connected to any plumbing of any sort. I have no objections to following the rules of pumping out septic systems every 4 years as I do on shore. I resigned to wasting my money, as a ‘privilege’ of being a property owner in Wentworth.
    An island is a wonderful thing but also a logistics nightmare. I happily pay the same tax rate as other property owners and yet receive no services on the island. I simply don’t understand why they take this hard line with their tax base. I am a contributor to their budget (with 4 tax bills) and I am treated like a criminal. I think everyone at Lake Louisa can agree that they love the lake and want to protect it. I bought the island with the intention of preserving it’s natural beauty.

    Having written all this, I really appreciate getting some dirty details for the concerned masses to consume before we vote. I hope the message on voting day will be unanimous and change out this failed representation.

    Peter Turnbull

    1. Marion

      We really appreciate and understand Peter’s frustrations. We have also felt like we are criminals over the septic system on our island. In spite of repeated assurances that we would not be putting in the water system at all this year, in compliance with getting the system analyzed and recommendations made by an engineer for installing a new type of system, we were told that if we were seen on the island at all, it would be assumed that we had put in the water system and could possibly face daily fines for non-compliance. We recently received yet another lawyer’s letter that stated that since there was water in the septic tank, it appeared that we had used the system. Like Peter stated, this was nothing more than rain water. We are tired of being treated as if our word means nothing.

      1. Sean Noonan

        I know first hand the frustration you feel. Unfortunately I also have had several experiences with our inspectors that left me shaking my head in disbelief. One time in particular made me speechless. When I asked our inspector for permission to TRIM some cedars so I could see the lake from my deck, { I am being taxed for lakefront property } she told me that if I wanted to see the lake I should go stand on my wharf.
        It`s time for a change.
        Sean Noonan

  3. Karen Mercer Stucki

    Just to say, Thank You for keeping me informed!
    Are You posting minutes of this meeting?

    I have received, special delivery, my package to vote! I returned it immediately, registered so I can follow it!

    Thank You for Your time,

    Karen Mercer Stucki
    80 Blueberry Point.

    Editor’s Note:
    Karen is on the email list. She received an email saying that there was a meeting on Monday night at the Community Centre where all the candidates were invited to speak. She is writing to find out what happened.
    If you want to be on the email list simply send in your email address to:
    Editor (at) Wentworth Gazette (dot) com

  4. Wentworth Gazette

    Would anyone like to give a brief report about what happened at the meeting on Monday night.

    Wentworth Gazette

  5. Ru

    I was there, very disappointed in the lack of “advertising” to ALL the residents of Wentworth.

  6. Wentworth Gazette

    A number of candidates have still not posted their platform.

    It’s completely free.

    Everything a candidate writes will be included (500 words approx) and will not be edited.

    If you can’t find the platform of a candidate in whom you are potentially interested, ask them to send one in.

  7. sargent

    I heard about the “all candidate meeting” held Monday Oct 21 on Wed PM October 23. I would suggest that we need better communication protocols

    1. Wentworth Gazette

      You heard about it before we did at the Wentworth Gazette.

      You can blame our current administration for not putting this information on the Municipal website (

      Hopefully we’ll get a change, and the Municipality will then have a website befitting a $2million/year organization.

      Our current administration doesn’t even put the Municipal Budget, or advance agendas for Public Meetings, or the complete set of Municipal bylaws, or Permit Applications, or Candidate Public debate information, etc., – despite the fact they have a $25 thousand/per year budget for public information.

  8. thanks


    Some thoughts about the candidates meeting

    I attended a candidate information meeting on Monday October 21st that was arranged by Mme Lyng Lorraine Fraser, where all candidates were invited to attend.

    This was an opportunity for all candidates seeking office to inform and explain to the citizens of Wentworth their platform and why they should get the citizens vote be elected.

    There were ten candidates present and of the ten present three were outgoing and seeking re-election and seven were new candidates.

    The seven new candidates were all very good in speaking and expressed their platform and each one of them had the same common theme.
    “Common sense and make the citizens feel they are respected and have the council and Municipal staff work with the citizens and not against them.”
    Most attendees were very grateful of the comments and platform of the seven new candidates in attendance.

    The three other candidates are outgoing and seeking re-election and two of those are running as independents and then there was the Mayor. The three gave no real promises, or had a platform to offer the citizens and none of them, especially the Mayor mentioned or seem to realize that there is a major issue with the sense of a lack of respect to and for the citizens of Wentworth and how important it is to work with all citizens, which has seldom been the case the last four years.

    There were 6 other candidates who were not present for one reason or the other.
    One of the six is an independent and the other five are running as part of Mr. Kasprzk’s team, imagine all the team not there. WOW.

    Now why were they not present, did they not have the time to give to the citizens, did they not know about the meeting, did they not think it was worth telling the citizens why they were running, did they have fears about meeting many citizens or were the five who are running with Mr. Kasprzk simply told by the head of their team, Mr. Kasprzk, not to attend.

    None of the reasons really matter, except that they did not show up and again did not give the respect to the citizens, remarkable, considering they are seeking their vote.
    So I wonder aloud, why vote for these individuals if they can’t even come out and meet the citizens, I know I won’t.

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